
A lawyer can become your new best friend when you find yourself facing the legal system. I learned about the legal system and have information to help others.

Three Topics To Discuss When Hiring A Criminal Attorney

18 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having a brush with the law can be unnerving, especially if you're new to the experience. However, having a skilled criminal attorney in your corner can make you feel much more comfortable about a positive resolution to your legal situation. It's valuable to hire a criminal attorney as quickly as possible, although you shouldn't rush the process because it's important to find the right attorney for your case. You'll likely find yourself talking to a few different attorneys to discuss how their credentials will suit you. Read More …

10 Warning Signs That You Need A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

30 December 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Your job-related injury is likely covered by your employer's workers' compensation insurance, but claims are not always paid in a timely and trouble-free manner. This insurance is meant to cover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages if you are injured on the job. It's important that you inform your supervisor immediately and follow up to ensure that the reports are filled out and filed once you discover your injury. Read More …

5 Consequences Of A DUI Conviction

14 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Whether it is your first offense or not, getting arrested for a DUI is not something you should take lightly. Even if you avoid jail time, you may have to deal with some long-term ramifications if you are found guilty. Here are five consequences of a DUI conviction: Your Driver's License Could Get Taken Away If you are convicted off a DUI, there is a good chance that your driver's license will get revoked for a while. Read More …

Can Allegations Of Benefits Fraud Help Your Divorce Or Custody Case?

27 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've recently divorced your spouse after suffering through years of freeloading behavior, you may be mortified (but not really surprised) to discover your spouse is committing benefits fraud. This fraud can take a number of forms -- from forging medical paperwork to secure federal disability benefits to lying about income or assets to qualify for food stamps. What, if anything, should you do upon learning of your ex's fraudulent ways? Read More …

In Financial Trouble? 5 Things You Should Know About Bankruptcy

9 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

You probably thought that bankruptcy was something that affected other people. You had a good job, you paid all your bills on time. You even had a little bit of money left over each month to go and have fun with. Then the bottom fell out. You got sick, lost your job or had to file for divorce. Now you're facing financial ruin. You can't pay your bills and the creditors are calling non-stop. Read More …