not-so-neighborly legal issues

A lawyer can become your new best friend when you find yourself facing the legal system. I learned about the legal system and have information to help others.

Car Accidents And Lawsuits: 3 Surprising Things That You Must Do To Increase Your Chances Of Winning

28 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A car accident is a terrifying and mind-rattling experience. For this reason, it's not uncommon for people to be unable to think clearly after an accident, which may cause them to make mistakes or forget things that can help them with their case later on. If you've been injured in an accident and want to seek damages for your injuries, there are several things you must do immediately following an accident to increase your chances of winning. Read More …

Your Online Rant Or Verbal Venting Can Lead To Criminal Charges If You Make A Threat

12 May 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

There's a line between "expressing your anger and frustration" and making a criminal threat. Make the threat big enough and you could even be charged with terrorism. In the wake of 9/11, school shootings, and riots against the police, it's more important than ever to learn where your right to free speech ends and your ability to get into serious trouble begins. The First Amendment Doesn't Give You A Free Pass To Say Anything That You Want Read More …

4 Personal Injury Cases That Need A Lawyer

21 April 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

In general, you should hire a lawyer any time you have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. However, there are some situations that make it even more imperative to have legal counsel. If any of these apply to you, make sure you have a good personal injury attorney. Medical Malpractice If you are ever facing a medical malpractice suit, you should get a lawyer that specializes in this area of personal injury. Read More …

Understanding Your Rights When Dealing With Law Enforcement

13 April 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Dealing with law enforcement is usually a minor inconvenience for most people, often the result of being in a hurry or failing to observe traffic signs. However, when things stop being minor and start sounding more serious, it's important that you have a firm understanding of your rights during any official interaction with police. Procedural police dramas might be popular television, but they very rarely get everything right. Remember, It's Their Job Read More …

Workers Compensation Lawyers: Repetitive Stress Injuries & 3 Ways They Can Help

31 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

When most people think of workers compensation claims, they envision a construction worker who injured his back lifting a heavy object, or a warehouse employee who slipped on an improperly marked surface. But some of the most severe and debilitating injuries are those that happen incrementally, over time. These types of injuries are referred to as repetitive stress injuries, or RSIs, and include everything from the development of carpel tunnel syndrome to osteoarthritis. Read More …